Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Adventures in Daddlyland: Day 15

The kids were good yesterday, as took all 3 of them down for a swim. J1 and J2 to practice for the sat medallion exams and J3 becos she wanted to tag along. Su was down as well to look after J3 while I swam/exercised.

J1 came up with a blocked ear and no matter what we did, she said her ear still blocked, including this morning and said that when she yawned, her ears hurt. Any advice for her? I've tried looking via the digger flashlight, but I don't really know what to look for. Her wax is gone so nothing else there and am afraid to dig any deeper.

Mr Saw said J2 is ready for the exam and she was quite excited about it. It wasn't so when we first got into the pool as she wanted to play with J3, but after some encouragement from Uncle Saw, she went into the pool and did her drills.

J3 didn't sleep until 9pm. Amazing so she was awake most of the day. In the morning, as usualy, was bad. She now doesn't want to take off her PJs, so my mom had to shower her in her PJs. I had a shout at her and that piped her down somewhat, and since I was the big bad wolf, she was more than happy to leave the house to go school, only to cry again when she got there.

But when she got home, it was as if, nothing had happened.

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