Sunday, March 29, 2009

adventures in daddy land: day 3

Day 3, a sunday turned out to be quite nice.

j3's fever had subsided, and she's back to her cheeky old self. She only needed a dose of fhamol all day, but her sniffles and cough are still quite bad.

J1 finally got down to doing some of her homework and in addition we gave her some additional work to do in english and math. We have found that her math linguistic skills are not up to par and she has some trouble undertanding written questions.

J2 was being her usual self. She had helped make breakfast of scrambleb eggs and toast. She also did some drawing though bot so much work sheets. Need to give her more work sheets to do to encourage her to be diligent in her work.

We stayed at home, more for j3's fever and the kids got out to play by the lobby instead og going down to the playground.

There was a will smith show on tonight but decided to reward the kids by allowing them to watch high school musical during dinner time. As a plan we will be watching high school musical 2 tomorrow after dinner, if they behaved themselves.

J3 hadn't slept all day, so she took a short nap at 7 pm only to wake up in a bout of cough. J2 also did not nap was asleep by 9 pm and j1 should be going to sleep soon.

mommy was on skype with them for 2+ hours, so they had mommy there with them. J2 is still suffering from mommy withdrawal although she seems to be adjusting nicely.

All in all a good day, and plus i managed to get some work done as well!

Till tomorrow, the journal continues.

Sent from my Nokia phone

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