Thursday, October 23, 2008

Will there ever be an Obama-like person to be PM in Malaysia

I was looking at Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama on Meet the Press. I saw the video and was really moved by the eloquence that Powell showed on why he will be voting for Obama. But the thing that got me most was on the issue that Obama has been mislabelled as a Muslim, and indirectly as a terrorist.

Powell said something to this effect, the right answer that McCain gave was that no, Obama is Christian but Powell said even that was not the right answer. The right answer to him should have been, why does it matter if he's Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or event a Free thinker? What matters more is that he is an American.

He ended that spot with a touching recall of a photo-essay he saw about the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, which he was most touched by this last picture showing a mum crying over her son's headstone at Arlington National Cemetary. The son was killed in action, and had a purple heart and a bronze star. Powell also mentioned that the deceased was 14 when 9/11 occured, and waited until he could enlist to fight in the war. But the part he emphasized most was that at the top of the headstone, there was no cross or star of david, but a cresent moon and star, symbolizing that he was a Muslim.

So his point was that if a Muslim can give his life for America, then why can't a Muslim be President of the United States.

It is with the exact same concept that I reflect on why is it that it is so difficult for Malaysians to allow a non-Bumiputera to be PM? If everyone contributes to nation building, then why can anyone have a shot at being the top guy in the country? Why is that?

And also there is another trait that I see in Obama that I see in someone else in Malaysia today. That trait is inclusiveness, bringing people together instead of singling a class out (the rich and the poor etc) that McCain so fondly likes to do. In Malaysia that person today is Anwar Ibrahim and his concept of Ketuanan Rakyat. It's a pity that the minority of rakyat does not share his vision of inclusiveness.

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