Thursday, October 16, 2008

Down sick

Have been down sick since yesterday. Imagine the coincidence, falling sick 2 wednesdays in a row. 

And last night, I discovered that one of my lymph node is swollen and I think that freaked the wife a bit, so she did a couple of test on me and threatened to take me to the hospital for a blood test, and reinforcing that I shouldn't have gone golfing over the weekend.

I guess lesson learnt!

Anyways, the missus will check the swolleness again on Sunday and make an assessment if I need to head to the hospital for a blood test.

Today, still a bit woozy, but feeling much better.

Had a very interesting discussion, and I believe a few of us will join forces to see if we can create a small niche for ourselves in this trying times. Unfortunately, the problem in getting numerous parties involved is that you can never satisfy everyone. So one of the people I was hoping to bring on board has decided to opt out because of concerns that there would be a lack of profit to be shared amongst the various parties.

Anyway, will have to try to bring this partner on board into a win-win situation. That is the only way to work. It will not work if one party feels that they're losing out because of the joint cooperation. 

Life is never easy, much less life in business... amidst trying times.. makes it even tougher.

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