Monday, September 15, 2008

State of affairs in malaysia, part 2


5. Raja petra. I believe he's been locked up not for perpetrating any criminal acts. In fact the only act he has committed is to highlight the misdeeds of the current regime and the immediate past one.

he's been locked up because he has become too dangerous for the BN regime.

and on the charge that he is spreading untruths about Islam, well, why not we let the religious academics debate about that. Learning and enlightenment does not come about by sweeping discontent under the carpet, but the opposite, by encouraging active discourse and debate amongst the faithfull and those not of the religion.

in this case, why call the badawi brand of islam "islam hadhari"? Might as well just call it BN Islam.

sad, so sad to see the country i grew up in descent so such a banana republic and to become the laughing stock of the world!

question is will pakatan save the day, or is it more of the same. For the future of malaysia, i certainly hope for real change.

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