Monday, September 15, 2008

Dismal state of affairs in malaysia

Oh what the country was and could still be. If only the idiots who run the country leave the land and go fly kites.

the recent flip-flops on the isa arrests show the lack of any understanding on the basic tenets of decision making, the rule of law and the chain of command.

1. How can one arrest a journalist who reported on facts? Even if it flamed the fans of racial discontent. Should it not be the person uttering those statements be locked up instead?

2. And how can the home affairs minister say he was not given prior notice of the arrests? That's not adhering to the chain of command. The use of isa is not a trivial matter because it tramples on the accused's basic right to the legal process.

And coming from a trained lawyer. His alma-mater should disown him!

3. And how stupid can syed hamid be in saying first that the journalist threatened the peace, and then (true to the flip flop nature that is the badawi regime) turn around and say she was being held for her own safety.

minor civil servants would be fired for making such stupid mistakes. Again, one should check if syed hamid has full control of his faculties, in particular his brains.

4. Then for theresa kok, why is it that a malal umno figure - khir toyo in this case and utusan fans the racial flames and yet not even get a warning or show cause letter, when it emerges that the dap mp had nothing to do with the accusation, which was the petition to remove the call of azan from the mosque?

even the chief of 2 mosques in her constituency has come to her defense to say that one, the pa system has gone kaput, and the other, that kok has not set foot in their mosque, much less to deliver a petition!

To be continued....

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