Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ahmad Ismail

I think that's the name of the guy making such a ruckus in penang right now.

the key question is: will the pm badawi act against such blatant remarks to incite racial hatred, when other have gone to jail under isa before him? My guess is no, because he is an umnoputera. It's a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't because he'll be accused of giving in to the chinese and be seen as weak if he does, and if he doesn't, he'll be seen as condoning such racists acts in his own fold, thus making his islam hadari as a empty vessel (where is the moderation) much less his declaration that he is pm of all malaysians.

but to further incite hatred and the bring the heat up another notch by mca and gerakan is fool-hardy as it will end up as another may 13, so its a self-fulfilling prophecy.

instead one should follow teddy roosevelt's famous doctrine: walk softly, carry a big stick. That big stick today! is the threat of these parties of leaving bn. For once, the people in gerakan and mca, and what's left of mic should just weild the big stick and leave the coalition. It does not mean that they have to join pakatan (although that would be nice, but it impacts the balance of the pakatan coalition), but become a neutral minority in government. Without mca at least, bm would already loose their majority, even without the east malaysians jumping ship (which i hope they do because umno's culture of devide and conquer will mean the end of the indigenous parties in east malaysia).

so stop harping on ahmad and start walking. One of the bloggers have got it right, no more nato (no action, talk only) as it will serve to confirm that mca and gerakan as just eunuchs to umno.

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