Friday, July 18, 2008

Ren ci

I read with dismay the recent revelation on the possble wrong doing of the venerable ming yi and the ren ci organization.

assuming he is convicted of the said wrong doing, and i will be very dissapointed with him, as a buddhist and as a person. As a person belonging to the sangha (or the clothe), he is expected to hold himself higher than the rest of us. This is important because how else then can he impart the dhamma to the rest of the people?

leading by example is key. If me as a layman sees a monk abusing his role as a monk and community leader, then what sort of morals will that imply to me.

sadly he is not the first and neither will he be the last, which is why i believe in monks and people joining any reigious order take a vow of poverty, but even that did not stop joseph kang where a vow of poverty was explict.

does that mean more policing, or forcing all religious trusts and charities to submit to audtng on a yearly basis? While i believe the these people will reap what they sow (karma), i think they should be audited yearly to mantain the public's trust.


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