Monday, July 7, 2008

Conspiracies abound

I read with alarm the latest SD twist afflicting malaysia.

the indian pi who is at the center of the controversy has gone missing with his family. Not unexpected is it?

the internet media is buzzing with the news, and to me, it lend credence that there is a conspiracy behind all this, be it from the government or the pr front.

with such maneuvours, how is one to distill which is the truth when everything is so muddied. How is the country going to drag itself out of the funk? The people, i feel, no longer trusts the government institutions meant to police the government because there is no proper separation in reporting?

come on, we all know the judiaciary is not independent and neither is the aca, and these are the main 2 institutions meant to provide the check and balance.

i salute those still trying to live their lives in malaysia and fight for their principles. I hope soon, makkal sakthi will prevail and justice served to those have wronged and those who have been wronged.

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