Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No backbone.

I am most amused recently by the news of the BN (Barisan Nasional to non Malaysians) big wigs jumping on the blog bandwagon, after it was announced that BN lost the cyberwar.

It's like the MasterCard ad, where the tagline is priceless, as prior to the election, the bloggers were heaped with insults. Now, everyone in the government is on it, and I am really curious what they have to say, or perhaps there isn't much to say anyways.

Then even more amusing is how the knifes are finally out in the UMNO circles asking Pak Lah to step aside. THis is politics to the max. Before its all for one and one for all, and now with a wee bit of encouragement, it's everyman for himself!

With this kind of leadership, I am glad that 60% of Malaysia's GDP is now in the hands of people not accustomed to such idiocy. Or is it?

We'll have to wait 5 years to see if my Philosophy prof was right in saying, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I certainly know it be true for the BN government.     
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