Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A new life

I am experiencing a second wind as a freeagent (short for being unemployed)

I must admit its a bit scary, with 3 kids to feed and no regular income. But it sure as heck beat what I have been doing for the past 4 months in my previous job where I took a regular pay, but did nothing at work.

Some may say this was the ideal job, but for me, I fear that any longer and it would dull my "edge" and make me into a complacent chap.

But now, it's quite exhilarating and yet scary. I am more busy than ever (so I will keep this short) because I know if my projects do not move I will not get paid. So in a funny way, I am unemployed and yet stressed out for tight timelines that I have put myself on.

As compared to no stress and regular pay.

You may think I'm a sado-masochist, but I would prefer to think of myself as driven.

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