Monday, March 30, 2009

Adventures indaddy land: day 4

Happy to note that j3 continues to improve and should be able to go scholl tomorrow after a week of being sick. With the mom 's advice, i called to cancel her appointment with her paed as it's just a waste of the prof's time to see a kid who's on the mend.

j1 had trouble waking up for school not as much as lack of sleep but having boy trouble at school. Ahem, not what you think, but she's got a couple of boys who keeps giving her a hard time and she, being the princess that she is, is unable to cope with the attention.

J2 is her usual self but did not make it to her swimming as it was threatening to rain with thunder and lightning. But true to form, the second she got to the apartment, there were no morw thunder and lightning!

And i have some work that requires my attention in the coming days so will be kep busy with that.

And this is turning out to be an uneventful day.

Sent from my Nokia phone

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