Sunday, March 29, 2009

Adventures in daddyland: day 2

Surpringly quiet. j3 was still running a temp for most of the day but the good part is that she's getting her cheekiness back.

The girls skyped with the mom, and naturally j2 was all tears and having a really shitty time being apart from her mom. The other 2 was just taking it in their stride.

Then the sleep monster overcame me and i crashed for a couple of hours, waking in time to take j1 to her swimming lesson and then off to Lizzie's wedding.

I got a call from home asking to feed j3 her brufen as her temp had by 8 pm soared back to upper 38, so told my mom to go ahead to do that and then it was quiet for the rest of the night.

I had a ball catching up with ex-colleagues and the food was good (kudos to Lizzie's ma-in-law).

By the time i got back was close to midnight and the girls were all asleep, and so ended day 2 of my adventure and thankfully not as manic as day 1.

Sent from my Nokia phone

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