Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Elizabeth Wong - How low has Malaysia sunked?

I read with disgust the treatment meted out to Elizabeth Wong and the recent revelation of compromising pictures sent to the tabloids and the media. Let's see what's fact and fiction (I shall try my best)
1) She is single and non-Muslim (fact). So she is free to have sexual relations with her partners. While the older folks may frown on pre-marital sex, but to be honest, this is a trend that we have seen in both the Muslim and non-Muslim community.

2) These pictures were taken without her consent. Until proven otherwise, we must assume she is innocent.

3) It was taken in a private setting, therefore, by right should remain private.

4) She has a track record for doing what's right (which is so often missing in politicians in Malaysia today)

The key question is:
1) Will her constituents still be able to trust her to do a good job after this?

2) Does it matter to her constituents what she does in private? Is she hurting anyone? Is she committing a crime (having pre-marital sex is not a crime, unless you are Muslim or a minor)?

To be honest, I think Khir Toyo is supremely hypocritical to ask Eli Wong to quite when this is the only transgression she has made. Who knows perhaps he also has skeletons in his own closet and it is just a matter of time before the skeletons come out to play.

If you subscribe to the conspiracy theory, and I fell many do, it would seem that BN would stop at nothing to dig enough dirt on the PR elected officials to force them to jump ship or quit, thus allowing them to take over the state governments. If you cannot win using a democratic method, then you use an underhand method, which is to force people to defect or shame them into quitting.

In the end, I think BN (be they be responsible for the entire fracas or just an innocent bystander - but by Khir Toyo making statements, it would mean that the BN or UMNO is linked somehow or other) will end up being the major loser, because the sympathy of the masses will sway to the direction of Eli Wong. And coming so soon after the Frog incident in Perak, it would further strengthen the people's perception that BN is desperately to take over the State Government (by whichever method that works best) and does not care what the Rakyat's wishes are. The BN has put themselves above the Rakyat they are supposed to serve.

And this puts Malaysia very close to being a failed democracy.

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