Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't

Politics in Malaysia is a funny creature. The old adage of dammed if you do, and dammed if you don't ring true more often that not, primarily because of the state of politics, where religion and race is more often brought up as a bogeyman, usually the bogeyman being non-bumi people.

As statistics would proove, the muslim have nothing to fear but ignorance itself. By itself, it is already the majority. Is it because they fear that Muslims will flock to other religions if suddenly the apostasy ruling is lifted? I think not. I believe most muslims are happy with their religion, and perhaps only a few would want to convert to another religion. However, this balance would hang precariously if other religions become too aggressive in trying to convert "non-believers" into "believers".

So news has been made where there were politicians, both from the BN (not unexpected is it) and the PR (well, religious fevours crosses political boundary) as well. I have always seen PR as the hope for the next generation of Malaysians, and unless Anwar can do something about it, then all hope is lost because Malaysia will never rise above racial and religious politics, and that irrational fevour will never go away, and it will be things as usual.

But the opposition thread a fine line. While trying to come clean as a government in waiting (hopefully still), they potray themselves as competent and above corruption and most of all, a government for ALL MALAYSIANS, not just the bumis, and even within the bumis, the chosen ones. But in their ranks are those who are use to the way of life where grease money is the norm rather than the exception, and as bumis, they deserve more than other equally capable Malaysians.

WHat will happen only time will tell.

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