Saturday, June 21, 2008


I was doing my usual grocery shopping round at bukit timah plaza when i saw this couple and their baby daughter, and a thought made me smile.

if you do not already know, we have 3 princesses of our own, and from the look on this couple, this baby is most likely their first.

how do i know?

simple, they tend to be more loving, affectionate and devote an obscene amount of time cooing their baby. It was the same with us and our first one.

add 2 later, our family outings (even for grocery) is longer spent oohing and aahing but more like sessions of be carefuls, don't runs and stop shoutings.

but we still love our brood just the same and wouldn't change a thing, even the slightly elevated blood pressure levels. It is priceless to see all of my princesses play and laugh hysterically together, at least until the older 2 get too rough and someone eventually cries.

so to all young couples with a baby, enjoy your time. And to those planning more, there will be more priceless moments to come.

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