Monday, May 5, 2008

Is malaysia regressing

I read with great interest (and with incredule) the proposa put forward by dr ras yatim where women traveller, if travelling alone, would require a letter from their respective families or company attesting to the natureof ter travel overseas.

i really find it hard to believe a seasoned politician and respected member of the community could put forwad such a proposal. His proposal was based on some statistics where malaysian ladies were caught smuggling drugs into other countries, ie used a drug mules. If i recall the news article, he said, no insinuated that a large percentage of ladies were being used as mules.

i used stats can be used to argue both sides of the same arguement, and this the perfect case. If you had wanted to push for the legislature, of course, you'd dig up some silly stats. But the reality is that those who got caught or even engaged in illegal stuff is a small small percentage over the larger number of legitimate women travellers.

also it reeks of chauvinistic values, ie the women are dumb and like frog in the well. Chances are, those who engage in this illegal activity know full well what they are doing, and this include males as well. They do it because of some reason that they only know. Feigning ignorance is a sure way of claiming innocence.

who knows, perhaps the next step would be to disqualify single female malaysians from holding a passport, or better yet, why not stop them from going to school altogether.

i always malaysian politics is interesting, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons.


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