I took particular interest in the article on the Straits Time yesterday on Nadya Hutagalung tumultous past has calmed down, thanks to her dual support of her hubby and Buddhism.
Hooray to Buddhism, as this is one of the VERY VERY few times that ST carries an article on a notable artiste that has embraced Buddhism.
I am a Buddhist, thought I can't quite that I am card-carrying Buddhist aiming to show everyone the way to Nirvana. Buddhism, I find, is an intensely private religion or more of a way of life where one should practice what one preaches. It combines philosophy, inner reflection and meditation as a way to self discovery.
To me, it is so private that no one notices it and sometimes I feel as if it is losing its luster to other more "hip" religions. And frankly I can understand why it feels as if it's losing its luster.
First, many Buddhist organizations do not make a big show of it's events apart from during Wesak Day. Secondly, not many people feel the call of attending classes or sermons on a weekly basis.
Thirdly, when I was growing up, Buddhist classes were mainly talking about mundane stuff like suffering etc etc and chanting some Pali verses which I have no clue what I am chanting about. At that stage I had other pressing problems (like girlfriends - or lack of, trying to fit into a clique) than to debate about suffering, karma etc etc.
But it is as scientific as any religion gets, and is one where you reap what you sow (the concept of Karma). It invites people to come and see (ehi passiko).I respect this aspect of the religion as it encourages curiousity, and allows for multiple diversity in views. Some may find Buddhism their ideal religion, and to other, other religions may be more suitable for them.
Emptiness is form, form is emptiness, emptiness is nothing but form and form is nothing but emptiness.
THis phrase is from the Heart Sutra, which is one of the most powerful (if not confusing) phrase I have come across.
I believe that Buddhism needs to connect with more lay people and simplify the Dhamma for people to be able to enjoy the serenity of Buddhism.
It is an uphill struggle to get people to understand the Dhamma, but I am glad that Nadya has found it!
I hope you too will find it.... one day. Ehi Passiko!
technorati tags:buddhism, nadya hutagalung, dhamma, relevance, renewal, karma
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