you can say that I am an optimist as most people are dreading 2009 as a very bad year for the economy, but certainly from where I sit, 2009 can only get better.
Let's review 2008 briefly and you will see why I am more than happy to kiss it goodbye.
1. My boss left at the end of 07 and the big boss decides to give the job to an old hand who then decides to undo everything we had done in the previous 18 months, and still put the blame on those who had left although the new guy was as much to blame.
I left soon thereafter.
2. The promise of a new job turned out to be more hot air. I had a firm offer but was informed that my reputation had preceded me and was giving everyone in the new organization hives. So I felt that pointless to try to change people who can't take dissent.
So I decided not to join and get ambushed. I guess it was a blessing in disguise as that group I was supposed to join had not done much in the preceding 8 months after my decision.
3. More promises of jobs went unfulfilled. I had many "projects" and jobs that did not materialize. I worked for free hoping to gain employment, but in the end, I guess it was not to be.
4. Failed projects. My first try at helping entrepreneurs to raise funding was surprisingly easy, and sure enough I found a funder for the guy, only for the entrepreneur to turn around and screw me. I had burnt some goodwill because of that damm guy, but luckily my friends continue to support me.
I also had other projects fail for the lack of investors, so I have decided to stick with the areas I am comfortable with, and sadly some of these projects are good projects.
5. Well being of family. As with any person with elderly relatives, death in the family is to be expected. This year I lost an aunt and an uncle. In the last month, I've had an aunt getting a stroke, a niece break her leg, a cousin getting shingles, another cousin in an accident, and another cousin almost breaking his back in a fall. Closer to home, i've had to go to the ER twice when my youngest fell and knocked her head and my second borne having to take all sorts of medications.
But overall, I guess it could have been worse and I am glad that most of us and my family is in the pink of health.
So as I prepare to kick off 2009 , I am looking at securing a consulting project (a small one albeit), close an investment and hopefully usher another 2 to fruition.
As the Buddha once said (and I am taking massive liberty at paraphrasing Him:
Dwell not in the past, for it has gone,
Think not of the future for it has not come,
Live and act for today.
And with that spirit, everyday is a new day and a new opportunity to do good and create value for oneself.
Happy New Year. May the year bring bountiful prosperity and luck to you.